Monday 25 July 2022

Do's and Don'ts When You Consult With Doctor For Piles.


Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen and inflamed veins in your anus and rectum. They can be painful and itchy. Piles are one of the most common anal disorders, affecting up to 20% of adults in the India. There are two types of piles: internal and external. Internal piles are located inside the anal canal, while external piles are located under the skin around the anus.

There are a number of things you can do to treat piles, depending on the severity of your symptoms. If you have mild symptoms, you may be able to treat them at home with over-the-counter (OTC) creams and ointments. If your symptoms are more severe, you may need to see a doctor for prescription medication or surgery.In this article, we will discuss do's and don'ts when you consult with a Ladies Doctor For Piles in Kalyan.



1. Make an appointment with your doctor if you have any symptoms of piles, such as bleeding from your anus, anal pain, or rectal pain.

2. Be honest with your doctor about your symptoms. This will help them to properly diagnose and treat your condition.

3. Tell your doctor if you have any other medical conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease. These conditions can make piles worse.

4. Follow your doctor's instructions for treatment. This includes taking any prescribed medications and following any dietary or lifestyle changes

5. Let your doctor know if your symptoms don't improve after treatment. You may need to see a specialist for further evaluation.



1. Try to treat piles yourself without consulting a doctor. This can make your symptoms worse.

2. Ignore your symptoms. Piles can get worse if they're not treated.

3. Delay seeking treatment because you're embarrassed or afraid. Piles are a common condition and there's nothing to be ashamed of.

4. Use over-the-counter medications without consulting your doctor. These medications can worsen your symptoms if they're not appropriate for your condition.

5. Stop taking your medication or change your treatment plan without consulting your doctor. This can make your symptoms worse and can be dangerous.

Conclusion :

If you have symptoms of piles, it's important to see Ladies Doctor For Piles in Kalyan. They can help you to properly diagnose and treat your condition. Follow your doctor's instructions for treatment, and let them know if your symptoms don't improve. Don't try to treat piles yourself or ignore your symptoms. Doing so can make your symptoms worse.