Wednesday 29 December 2021

Cure The Issues Related To The Piles In Dombivli!


Piles have been the most problematic issue which have been creating a lot of issues among the people as they cannot even able to sit and do their work properly. Therefore, such issues have to be diagnoses and treated right on time and Dr.Garje Piles Centre here have that. we have the best Piles Doctors in Dombivli who have years of experience in helping the people out and have always got the positive results.

Types of Piles:

  • Internal hemorrhoids
  • External hemorrhoids

Some of the common symptoms:

  • Painful lumps 
  • Swelling near the anus
  • Discomfort or pain while sitting
  • Painful bowel movement
  • Bleeding after a bowel movement
  • Irritation and itching around the affected area
  • Redness and soreness around the anus


Our team of Piles Doctors in Dombivli have been managing, diagnosing and treating the issues of the people for years and have always got the positive results in the return which says a lot about our services and treatments. They also guide about the treatments along with the duration so the people can think through and then commit to it.

The clinic is fully equipped with all the advanced and modern technology of machines through which also people can able to get the best tests and treatments. The doctors can get to see the issues from the depth and then provide the right solutions.

The Best Centre For Piles Treatments follows all the rules of the medical authorities which means we are the recognized ones in here. we provide all the facilities and treatments at reasonable prices. we also take care of the premise and our staff wears full PPE kits and masks along with usage of the disposable items which helps us in keeping the virus and infection away.

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Thursday 23 December 2021

What 5 Questions Should You Should Ask Piles Doctors?

It may very well be the most important question you can ask your Piles Doctors in Dombivli to determine whether they know how to treat your piles. If they don't, make sure you choose another doctor immediately. This is one of those times that if you don't ask it, then DON'T GET IT DONE!"

Piles Doctors in Dombivli

1. Ask Piles Doctors in Dombivli what he perform the open technique for all grades of piles and only do the closed technique if there is a problem with haemorrhage or prolapse? The open technique means that instead of cutting through the skin, as in a conventional operation, you cut through the lining membrane of the anus. This allows for a very precise and kinder approach to the piles. Doctors who use the open technique report less post operative pain, wound healing problems and greater success rates than those that perform closed surgery under general anaesthetic.

2. As part of your assessment process, do you measure the circumference of both prolapsed piles by passing thread underneath?

3. Do you make an effort to get rid of your piles completely? There are many grades of piles, from very mild to severe prolapse that reoccurs every month or so. If your doctor says they can fix them but won't try to cure them completely then this is a major red flag! It means that whatever operation you have, you will need to keep coming back for the rest of your life. It also means that your piles may come back even bigger than before! The highest success rate with minimal recurrence is achieved by cutting out the small cluster of dilated veins or haemorrhoids rather than just cauterising them.

4. Do you excise the thickened and congested anal margins and the associated fissure (crack) in addition to dealing with piles?

5. Do you make an effort to re-tone the pelvic floor muscles via manual therapy, external massage and internal biofeedback exercises after surgery? If your doctor says no they cannot fix recurrent prolapse after piles surgery, this is a serious concern! Pelvic floor weakness and fault cannot be magically fixed by some mysterious internal biofeedback or pelvic floor exercises after surgery. The real solution here is to strengthen and re-tune the muscles prior to doing the operation (and possibly even afterwards as well).

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Friday 17 December 2021

Find The Best Doctor Of Piles In Mumbai

Piles are considered as the very painful and serious issue thus it has to be consulted from the professionals that too at the right time as it can turn out very ugly otherwise. Thus, Dr.Garje’s Piles Fistula Clinic here has the best Piles Doctors in Kalyan who has years of experience in diagnosing and treating the issues of the people for years that too at affordable prices.

Piles Doctors in Kalyan, Mumbai

Types of Piles:                                                         

  • Internal hemorrhoids
  • External hemorrhoids

 Some of the common symptoms:

  • Painful lumps 
  • Swelling near the anus
  • Discomfort or pain while sitting
  • Painful bowel movement
  • Bleeding after a bowel movement
  • Irritation or itching around/in the affected area
  • Redness and/or soreness around the anus

Our Piles Doctors in Mumbai has years of experience in diagnosing, managing, guiding, and treating the issues of the people for years and have not got any complaints from them which says a lot about us. they guide about the entire process of the treatments along with the duration it is going to take so the people can think thoroughly and then deliver the best treatments.

We have all the advanced technology machines from time to time so that the people can continue to get the best treatments from us and get highly satisfied as well. We keep upgrading the machines from time to time as well.

Along with piles and fistula, we are also specialized in Fissure, Pilonidal sinus, Constipation, Acidity, Abdominal gases, Ayurvedic Diet, Proctitis, Ibs, Colitis, Anal abscess, Renal Stone. Our doctors  Dr. Sambhaji Garje (B.A.M.S., F.I.K.S. (Fellowship in Ano-Rectal Surgery)) and Dr.Jyoti Gatge (B.H.M.S for women patients - Fellowship in Anorectal diseases consulting proctologist) are very well known in this domain for their services.

Piles Doctors in Kalyan, Mumbai

The Best Piles Doctors in in Kalyan aims to deliver a higher level of satisfaction to the people and for that we do the best and do not compromise on anything. We provide all the services and treatments at affordable prices which means we are the authentic ones in here.

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Saturday 20 November 2021

Get Better By The Effective Treatments Of Piles In Mumbai!

Piles are considered as one of the tough and serious issues of the body as it does not even let the people sit properly and peacefully. Such issue can be resolved or controlled but only if it is being diagnoses at the right time. thus, if you face any uneasiness at and inside your anal then contact Dr. Garje's Piles Fistula Center. We have the best Piles Doctors in Kalyan, Mumbai who have years of experience in diagnosing and treating the issues of the people at affordable prices.

Piles Doctors in Kalyan, Mumbai

Types of Piles:

  • Internal hemorrhoids
  • External hemorrhoids

Some of the common symptoms:

  • Painful lumps 
  • Swelling near the anus
  • Discomfort or pain while sitting
  • Painful bowel movement
  • Bleeding after a bowel movement
  • Irritation or itching around/in the affected area
  • Redness and/or soreness around the anus

The team of Piles Doctors in Kalyan, Mumbai get to know about the issues by first talking to the people about what they are facing and feeling and if their symptoms are similar or same as per the above mentioned symptoms. Then they conduct the diagnoses on that basis of which also, they provide the suitable solutions.

The clinic is fully equipped with all the advanced technology machines through which also we can be able to provide the best in quality services to the clients. We keep upgrading the machines so that we can continue to deliver the best.

We also deal with the issues such as Fissure, Pilonidal sinus, Constipation, Acidity, Abdominal gases, Ayurvedic Diet, Proctitis, Ibs, Colitis, Anal abscess, Renal Stone which shows that one can rely on us and can ask for the reliable treatments easily.

Piles Doctors in Kalyan, Mumbai

The Best Clinic of Piles aims to deliver the best treatments so that a better lifestyle can be given to the patients. We provide all the services and treatments at affordable prices which one cannot get from anywhere else in this domain.

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Tuesday 2 November 2021

What Is The Major Cause Of Piles In Women?

It is wrong to say that piles (hemorrhoids) only occur in adults and old people. Piles can be seen at any age though it mostly occurs between 20 and 60 years of age, the peak being 30-40 years.

Hemorrhoids or pile is a disease caused by straining during bowel movements; this forces the veins to stretch and increase in size.

Piles Doctor For Ladies in Kalyan

Hemorrhoids occur as a result of increased pressure on the veins that drain the blood from the anus and rectum. Hemorrhoids can develop inside or outside the anal canal (internal hemorrhoids) or underneath the skin around the anus (external hemorrhoids). It is more frequent in pregnancy because of increased pressure on the veins. Piles Doctor For Ladies in Kalyan can help to prevent piles during pregnancy.

Several factors are involved which include genetic tendency, constipation, diarrhea, low fiber diet, insufficient fluid intake, sedentary lifestyle and pregnancy.

How to prevent piles?

Proper bowel habits are important for preventing this condition - taking regular small meals instead of heavy ones is very important. Avoid lifting heavy weights. Maintain ideal body weight. Adopt regular exercise, yoga and meditation for achieving mental relaxation, also avoid stress. Women should not wear tight fitted clothes in the anal region to avoid straining during bowel movements.

Piles are prevented by maintaining good bowel habits by taking 6-8 glasses of water daily along with high fiber food. Avoid constipation by having dietary fiber in the diet - it should be 30 grams per day. Increase water intake when taking fiber because when you increase your fiber, you'll have to drink more fluid for proper digestion of the food.

However, in some people who have a genetic tendency for developing piles, even when they follow the above recommendations, they develop hemorrhoids from time to time. In such cases it is best to consult a doctor and treat this condition before it becomes severe.

How severe can piles become?

Piles are classified based on the severity according to Piles Doctor For Ladies in Kalyan. It starts with Grade I whose main symptom is itching around the anorectic region during bowel movement. Grade II occurs when one notices bleeding during stool or toilet wiping process. If you want to know how bad it actually is, go for Grade III where the patient notices blood clots inside the stool or toilet paper. The last and moderate stage is Grade IV where there is protrusion of tissue outside the anus.

Piles Doctor For Ladies in Kalyan

Piles could be very mild which only require advice on proper bowel movement habits; however, piles can cause bleeding and pain in severe cases. Piles are best prevented by adopting good toileting and dietary habits. However, if you develop severe piles which does not respond to medical management, surgery is the only option left. Surgery should be performed only when all other options have failed to give relief for at least 6 months.

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Tuesday 26 October 2021

Find The Best Doctor To Cure The Piles In Dombivali!

Piles come under one of the most severe issues one can faces physically. It creates an immense pain that people do not even able to sit and walk properly. Such issue has to be treated timely by the experienced doctors. So, Dr.Garje’s Piles Fistula Centre is the best Piles Fistula Centre In Dombivali with the experienced doctors and effective treatments we offer that too at affordable prices is tough to find somewhere else.

Types of Piles:

  • Internal hemorrhoids
  • External hemorrhoids


Some of the common symptoms:

  • Painful lumps 
  • Swelling near the anus
  • Discomfort or pain while sitting
  • Painful bowel movement
  • Bleeding after a bowel movement
  • Irritation or itching around/in the affected area
  • Redness and/or soreness around the anus


The Piles Fistula Centre In Dombivali has a team of highly experienced doctors who follow all the procedures to conduct the effective treatments to the people. Firstly, they diagnose the issues and on the basis of the reports, age, and medical history of the people, they recommend the right treatments to the people.

The clinic is fully equipped with the latest technology machines through which we can able to deliver the best diagnoses as well as treatments to the people. We deal with these issues as well:

·        Fissure

·        Pilonidal sinus

·        Constipation

·        Acidity

·        Abdominal gases

·        AyurvedicDiet

·        Proctitis

·        Ibs

·        Colitis

·        Anal abscess

·        Renal Stone.  


This clinic was established by the head Dr.SambhajiGarje (B.A.M.S., F.I.K.S. (Fellowship in Ano-Rectal Surgery)) and Dr.JyotiGatge(B.H.M.S for women patients and also did Fellowship in Anorectal diseases consulting proctologist) and since then we have been acing in delivering the best treatments and other services to the people so that they can able to get relief through the issues related to piles.


The Best Centre For Piles Treatments curing the serious issues like piles. We follow all the guidelines of the medical authority and always provide the treatments at affordable prices.

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Monday 4 October 2021

Treats The Issues Of Piles With The Experienced Doctors Of Ulhasnagar!


Piles are considered as one of the most severe issues people face as it makes the living very much difficult for the people. It makes even the sitting and walking tougher for people thus it requires professional help for timely. So, Dr.Garje's Piles Fistula Centre here have the best Piles Doctors in Ulhasnagar who are highly experienced in diagnosing and treating the issues of the people for years.

Types of Piles:

  • Internal hemorrhoids
  • External hemorrhoids


Some of the common symptoms:

  • Painful lumps 
  • Swelling near the anus
  • Discomfort or pain while sitting
  • Painful bowel movement
  • Bleeding after a bowel movement
  • Irritation or itching around/in the affected area
  • Redness and/or soreness around the anus


Piles Doctors In Ulhasnagar are highly experienced doctors who work their best to cure such issues of piles. They deeply diagnose the issues and then recommend the treatments as per that. They also guide the entire treatment along with the duration and money it is going to take so the people can think properly and then go for it.

The clinic is highly equipped with all the advanced technology machines through which we get the quality and accurate results and then on the basis of tests, age, and medical history of the people, the doctor recommend the right treatments. We are also specialized in other issues as well such as Fissure, Pilonidal sinus, Constipation, Acidity, Abdominal gases, Ayurvedic Diet, Proctitis, Ibs, Colitis, Anal abscess, Renal Stone.  


Dr.SambhajiGarje (B.A.M.S., F.I.K.S. (Fellowship in Ano-Rectal Surgery)) and Dr.JyotiGatge(B.H.M.S for women patients and also did Fellowship in Anorectal diseases consulting proctologist) established this clinic and since then we have been providing the reliable treatments which always give positive results to the people.


The Best Centre For Piles In Ulhasnagar aims to deliver the best treatments and facilities to the people so that their lifestyle can get better. We follow all the norms of the medical authorities and keep the clinic keep to avoid any viruses and infections.

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