Monday 21 November 2022

The Importance Of Piles Doctors


Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are a common condition that affects both men and women. Although this condition can be embarrassing and uncomfortable, it is important to see a Piles Doctors in Dombivli if you think you may have piles. Left untreated, piles can lead to more serious health problems, such as anal fissures or rectal prolapse.

What are Piles?

Piles are swollen veins in the anal canal. The anal canal is the last part of the large intestine, which is about 4 inches long. These veins can become swollen and irritated, usually due to constipation or straining during a bowel movement. Pregnancy and obesity can also contribute to the development of piles.

There are two types of piles: internal and external. Internal piles are located inside the anal canal and are usually not visible or painful. External piles are located under the skin around the anus and can often be seen and felt. They can be very painful, especially if they rupture or bleed.

Piles Doctors and Treatment Options

If you think you may have piles, it is important to see a doctor so that they can confirm the diagnosis and recommend treatment options. Depending on the severity of your condition, treatment for piles may include over-the-counter medications, prescription creams or ointments, sitz baths, stool softeners, increased fiber intake, or surgery. In some cases, such as when there is severe bleeding or pain, hospitalization may be necessary.


Piles are a common but often ignored condition that can cause serious health problems if left untreated. If you think you may have piles, it is important to see a Piles Doctors in Dombivli so that they can confirm the diagnosis and recommend treatment options. With proper medical treatment, most people with piles can find relief from their symptoms and live healthy lives.

Friday 11 November 2022

Deal with the issues of Piles with the Best Doctor of Dombivali!

Piles go under one of the main pressing concerns one can faces in fact. It has a huge disturbing effect that individuals don't ready to sit and walk fittingly. Such issue ought to be overseen incredible by the refined organized subject matter experts. 

Along these lines, Dr.Garje'sPiles Fistula Center has the best Piles Doctors in Dombivli with the made showed subject matter experts and helpful drugs we offer that too at reasonable costs is endeavoring to find elsewhere.

Kinds of Heaps:

  • Inside hemorrhoids
  • Outside hemorrhoids

A piece of the standard conceded results:

  • Anguishing abnormalities
  • Working on close to the butt
  • Anxiety or pity while sitting
  • Hazardous poo       
  • Draining after huge strong regions for a
  • Exacerbation around/in the affected area
  • Redness and also irritating around the back

The Piles Doctors in Dombivli are phenomenally gifted specialists who follow each of the frameworks to organize strong regions for the to individuals. Most importantly, they examine the issues and considering the reports, age, and clinical history of individuals, they embrace the right answers for individuals.

The center is completely equipped with the most recent advancement machines through which we can ready to give the best terminations close by answers for individuals. We manage these issues moreover:

  • Opening
  • Pilonidal sinus
  • Foiling
  • Acridity
  • Stomach gases
  • Ayurvedic Diet
  • Proctitis
  • Ibs
  • Colitis    
  • Butt-driven ulcer
  • Renal Stone.

This facility was opened out by the head Dr.SambhajiGarje (B.A.M.S., F.I.K.S. (Relationship in Ano-Rectal Medical procedure)) and Dr.JyotiGatge(B.H.M.S for ladies patients and what's more did Partnership in Anorectal sicknesses organizing proctologist) and from that point forward we have been acing in giving the best cures and different relationship to individuals so they can ready to help easing off through the issues related with loads.

The Piles Doctors in Dombivli plans to work on the presence of individuals by restoring the immense issues like loads. We notice every one of the norms of the clinical power and dependably give the cures at reasonable costs.

Friday 21 October 2022

Why You Should See a Doctor

Embarrassing, itchy, and often painful, hemorrhoids are unfortunately a common affliction. Also known as piles, hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anal canal. They can be either internal, located inside the rectum, or external, developing under the skin around the anus. Although they're usually not serious, hemorrhoids can cause considerable discomfort. In some cases, they may even bleed.

If you think you might have hemorrhoids, it's important to see a Piles Doctors in Dombivli  for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. This is especially true if you're experiencing rectal bleeding, which could be a sign of a more serious condition like colon cancer. Stomach pain, bloody stool, or persistent abdominal cramps are other red flag symptoms that warrant a trip to the doctor.


At-Home Treatments for Hemorrhoids

There are a number of simple lifestyle changes you can make to help ease your hemorrhoid symptoms. To start, drink plenty of fluids and eat high-fiber foods to soften your stool and reduce constipation (one of the main causes of hemorrhoids). You should also add more exercise to your daily routine to help keep your bowel movements regular. And when you do have a bowel movement, be sure to go slowly and avoid straining.


In addition, over-the-counter topical creams and ointments can help soothe itchiness and pain. Some people find relief by sitting in a warm tub of water for 10 to 15 minutes several times a day. Others use ice packs or frozen gel packs wrapped in towels for 20 minutes at a stretch several times a day. Just don't put the ice directly on your skin—wrap it in something first to prevent ice burn.


When to See Your Doctor

If home remedies don't work after about two weeks or if your hemorrhoids are bleeding or causing severe pain, it's time to see your doctor. He or she will likely recommend one of several office-based treatments:


Rubber band ligation: This involves placing rubber bands around the base of an internal hemorrhoid to cut off its blood supply. The hemorrhoid then withers away within a week or two.


Hemorrhoidectomy: This is surgery to remove large internal hemorrhoids. It's generally used only for extreme cases because it's very painful and there's a risk of incontinence afterward.



Hemorrhoids are unfortunately quite common, but that doesn't make them any less embarrassing or painful. If you think you might have hemorrhoids, it's important to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan—especially if you're experiencing rectal bleeding which could be a sign of colon cancer. In most cases, home remedies like increased hydration, dietary changes, exercise, and over-the-counter topical creams can effectively manage symptoms; however, if these don't work after 2 weeks or longer, it's time to see your Piles Doctors in Dombivli  for formal treatment options like rubber band ligation or surgery in extreme cases.

Wednesday 21 September 2022

The Common Misconceptions About Ladies Doctor For Fissure


You may have several misconceptions about ladies doctor for fissure. The fact is, this type of specialist can help you overcome the condition and improve your quality of life. By understanding more about this provider, you can make an informed decision about whether or not to see one. Here are some of the most common myths about Ladies Doctor For Fissure in Kalyan.

1. All ladies doctor are the same.

This is simply not true. There are many different types of specialists who focus on women's health, and each one has their own unique set of skills and knowledge. So when you're looking for a new doctor, be sure to ask about their specific areas of expertise.


2. You don't need a ladies doctor unless you're pregnant or trying to get pregnant.

While it's true that obstetricians and gynecologists (OB/GYNs) are often thought of as pregnancy experts, they actually provide a wide range of care for women of all ages. From annual exams and Pap smears to menopause management and pelvic health issues, OB/GYNs are equipped to handle all of your women's health needs.

3. Ladies doctor are only for female patients.

This is another myth that simply isn't true. While most OB/GYNs do focus on care for women, there are a growing number of male OB/GYNs who are providing care for female patients as well. So if you're more comfortable seeing a male doctor, don't hesitate to ask for a referral.

4. You don't need to see a ladies doctor if you're not sexually active.

While it's true that many of the services provided by OB/GYNs are related to sexual health, they also offer a wide range of other services that are vital for all women. From cancer screenings to contraception counseling, OB/GYNs play an important role in keeping all women healthy.

5. Ladies doctor are only for sick people.

This couldn't be further from the truth! OB/GYNs provide preventive care as well as treatment for illness and injury. So whether you're coming in for your annual exam or you're dealing with a more serious health issue, your OB/GYN will be there to provide quality care.

6. You don't need a ladies doctor if you're not planning on having children.

While it's true that many of the services provided by OB/GYNs are related to pregnancy and childbirth, they also offer a wide range of other services that are vital for all women. From cancer screenings to contraception counseling, OB/GYNs play an important role in keeping all women healthy.

No matter what your health needs are, there's a Ladies Doctor For Fissure in Kalyan out there who can help. So if you're looking for quality care from a specialist who understands your unique needs, be sure to ask for a referral to an OB/GYN.

Wednesday 24 August 2022

Treat Piles With The Best Doctor Of Mumbai!


Piles happens considering extra get past the butt and various perspectives on this way the genuine way is to get that destroyed and overseen perfectly sooner than the issues get cripple. Sushrut Piles Clinic has the best Piles Doctors in Mumbai on the grounds that they were treating people with the persuading prescriptions that too at sensible costs.

Kinds of Piles:

      Inside hemorrhoids

      Outside hemorrhoids

A piece of the standard certain results:

      Anguishing pounds

      Conveying near the butt

      Weight or torment even as sitting

      Risky strong turn of events

      Destroying after a crap

      Increase and shuddering across the impacted area

      Redness and rushed across the butt

Dr.Yogendra Raj and other best Piles Doctors in Mumbai turns across the issues of people first and consequently settled at the reports, age, and steady records of people, he proposes the valid treatments which show 100 rate five star results. He offers each careful regardless of non-wary plans of issues like Piles, Fissure, and Fistula.

Our clinic has all of the contemporary improvement machines through which we will worked with to give the particular checks and cases moreover. As such we override them extraordinary as obvious with the shiny new turn of events so people can not have the allout alongside the primary in class of the absolute from us.

We have fixed the benchmark here with the helper of involving giving the main in class deals with more significant than 15 years and part unique remarkable results from people. We agree with each of the thoughts of the cognizant experts which proposes we're the plain ones in here.

The Piles Doctors in Mumbai plans to give a more unquestionable raised confirmation of joy to people and we convey a powerful effort. We save a full scale tune of those treatment choices so we will investigate whether people are feeling a top of the line bargain progressed with the affiliations we're giving.

Tuesday 23 August 2022

Find The Top Doctor For Fissure In Kalyan!

Crevice notwithstanding called loads are one of the primary issues that happen in the human body. There are different clarifications for this issue regardless it makes individuals indescribably pleased to day plan hard to encounter as they couldn't exactly prepared to sit or stand properly because of the beyond preposterous strain and torture. This issue is completely treated if counsel the best expert at the best time. Dr.garje Piles Clinic here has the best Fissure Doctor For Ladies in Kalyan where we break down the issue fittingly and recommend the drugs which fix the issues by and large.

A piece of the standard unplanned effects:

·       Anguishing pounds

·       Loosening up near the butt

·       Desolation or torture while sitting

·       Anguishing strong conveyance

·       Depleting after a poop

·       Aggravating and shivering around the influenced region

·       Redness and fuel around the back

We have a gathering of on a very basic level shown Fissure Doctor For Ladies in Kalyan who has expansive stretches of responsibility with treating the issues of stores and other related issues of the patients.

They examine and a short period of time later fittingly guide people about their issues and the length of the cures. They furthermore guide you for the future in which you have some command over these issues to happen.

We have all the state of the art movement present in our office through we do the revelations in general and a short period of time later thinking about that, embrace fitting and reasonable drugs to the patients which by and large fix their issues of significance.

Various administrations that we are astounding at:

·       Fistula Doctor

·       Opening Doctor

·       Stoppage Specialist     


The Fissure Doctor For Ladies in Kalyan was opened by Dr.SambhajiGarje (B.A.M.S., F.I.K.S. (Relationship in Ano-Rectal Surgery) in 2004 and starting then, at that point, and for a critical time span we have been giving quality solutions for our patients. our office is astonishing with the latest and current equipment that helps us in giving those convincing cures. We give every one of the cautious meds according to the movement rules.

Wednesday 10 August 2022

Do You Know The Things About Piles Treatment : Guide About Which Will Help Before Starting Treatment

Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen and irritated veins in the anus and rectum. They can be extremely painful and cause a great deal of discomfort. There are many different treatment options available for piles, but not all of them are effective. Here are seven things you should know about piles treatment according to the leading Piles Doctors inKalyan, Mumbai.

1. There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for piles.

Different people respond to different treatments, so it is important to find the right one for you. Your doctor will likely recommend a combination of lifestyle changes, over-the-counter (OTC) treatments, and prescription medications. 

2. Lifestyle changes can be effective in treating piles.

Making simple lifestyle changes, such as eating a high-fiber diet and drinking plenty of fluids, can help to reduce the symptoms of piles. These changes can also help to prevent them from coming back.

3. OTC treatments can help to relieve the symptoms of piles.

There are a number of different OTC treatments available for piles. These include creams, ointments, pads, and suppositories. They can help to soothe the irritation and pain associated with piles. 

4. Prescription medications may be necessary for some people.

If OTC treatments do not work, your doctor may prescribe a stronger medication. These include corticosteroids, which can reduce inflammation, and lidocaine, which can numb the area and provide relief from pain.

5. Surgery is an option for severe cases of piles.

If other treatments are not effective, surgery may be necessary. There are a number of different surgical procedures that can be used to treat piles. The type of surgery that is best for you will depend on the severity of your condition.

6. Home remedies may help to relieve the symptoms of piles.

There are a number of home remedies that can help to reduce the symptoms of piles. These include Witch Hazel, Aloe Vera, and sitz baths. 

7. Piles can usually be treated at home.

In most cases, piles can be treated with lifestyle changes and OTC treatments. However, if your symptoms are severe or do not improve with treatment, you should see your doctor.

They can prescribe stronger medications or recommend surgery. 

Piles are a common and uncomfortable condition. However, there are many treatment options available. With the right treatment, you can find relief from your symptoms and reduce the risk of them coming back. Consult with Piles Doctors inKalyan, Mumbai  today.