Wednesday 23 October 2019

Confidential, Non-Surgical And Successful Treatment Of Hemorrhoids To Relief You From Pain And Embarrassment

Hemorrhoids or 'piles' is one of the most common ailments which are commonly found in men and women around the world. It is not only painful and causes discomfort but also be a reason for embarrassment. Hemorrhoids are actually collections of tissue and vein that become inflamed and swollen which can be found inside or outside of the anus. 

Treatment for Hemorrhoids in Kalyan Mumbai

It is caused due to various reasons such as chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, lifting heavy weights, pregnancy, straining when passing a stool and can be caused due to inheritance. There are many symptoms of Hemorrhoids which needs immediate attention and may need an expert's consultancy. To provide you with the most efficacious Treatment for Hemorrhoids in Kalyan Mumbai at a really affordable price, we are offering you the best team of doctors and medical specialists along with technologically advanced medical equipment.

Various symptoms of Hemorrhoids or 'piles':
·        A rigid and painful lump that may be felt around the anus which may contain coagulated blood
·        Red blood is visible after a bowel movement
·        The area around the anus is itchy, red, and sore
·        Pain occurs during the passing of a stool
·        Excessive anal bleeding
·        Symptoms of anemia
·        Infection
·        Inability to control bowel movements
·        Anal fistula
·        A strangulated hemorrhoid

Best Non Surgical Laser Treatment for Piles

People suffering from Hemorrhoids may feel insecure to undergo surgery. If you are looking for non-surgical yet efficacious treatment of Hemorrhoids, then try our Best Non Surgical Laser Treatment for Piles at a really affordable price. We, at Dr. Garje's Piles Fistula Center is committed to providing the best yet safe treatment to our patients and promise to keep all the information confidential. Contact us to get the best treatment and get rid of Piles.

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