Wednesday 16 February 2022

What You Need To Know About Piles

This is the most common question that arises in mind of a patient with piles. Piles can be cured with medicines, surgical operation or by using some other modern methods of treatment like laser treatment, etc. But the best way to treat it is to know its causes first and then start its treatment accordingly. So here we are discussing the best treatment for piles, which can cure it naturally without any side effects. Piles is nothing but swollen veins in anus or rectum. It occurs due to increased pressure of blood on affected veins during bowel movement. Piles are classified into four types based on their location according to the Piles Doctors in Dombivli.


Piles Doctors in Dombivli

·        Internal pile (Haemorrhoids / Perianal Haemorrhage) :Internal piles are the swollen veins inside the anus. They are further classified into four types based on their location in respect of anal orifice.

·        External pile (Thrombosed external pile) :The swollen veins which lie just outside the anus are called as external piles, causing pain and discomfort while passing stool.

·        Internal Piles (Non- prolapsed internal piles) :The swollen veins which lie within the folds of the rectal mucosa on either side of anus are called as non-prolapsed internal piles, contrary to its name they do protrude out during bowel movement due to increased pressure on them.

·        Fissure pile :Piles can also affect the lining of the anal canal. Piles at this location are known as fissure piles, causing bleeding during bowel movement or by passing hard stool.

Why do piles occur?

Piles can be caused due to various reasons. Some of them are mentioned below:

1. Heredity plays an important role in the development of this disease. If your parents suffered from piles, you will also suffer from it at some stage of life. So, if you know anyone in your family with piles, you also should keep a check on your health.

2. Piles can be caused by the pressure of hard stool on anus veins while passing bowel movements.

3. If you have been constipated for long time, it causes accumulation of hard stool inside the bowel which exerts pressure on rectal veins and causes piles.

4. Piles can also be caused due to the consumption of certain food items like cold drinks, etc.

5. Sitting or standing for a long time in one posture or way also cause piles.

6. Sometimes piles is developed after surgical operation of pelvic region for some other diseases, if proper care is not taken during recovery phase from wound healing.

7. Pregnancy also cause the formation of piles, especially in women having habitual abortions or vaginal deliveries.


8. Lifting heavy objects can cause pressure on veins inside anus and causes piles.

9. Sometimes diseases like ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease etc., increase pressure inside anal canal causing piles.


Treatment  forpiles


 Home remedies for Piles:Here are some home remedies that help in the treatment of piles naturally without causing any side effects.  We have mentioned both internal and external piles along with their advantages. You can choose anyone from them according to your condition, but it is highly recommended to take advice from an Piles Doctors in Dombivli before starting them.

Medical treatment  for Piles:If you are suffering from piles for a long time, it is better to take treatment under an expert. You can start taking medicines after consulting your doctor. There are various types of medicines available for the treatment of piles which include oral tablets, ointments, lotions etc., But these treatments have lots of side effects and are not safe. So it is better to follow the below mentioned treatments for piles which help in getting rid of it without causing any side effects.

Surgrery for Piles: Surgery is considered as the method of last resort to treat piles. Surgery for piles is known by different names like haemorrhoidectomy, hemorroidectomy etc., Depending upon the affected veins, surgery can be carried out through two ways : open surgery and laparoscopic surgery. In open Surgery , the swollen veins are removed through small incision, this surgery have high risk of bleeding. Laparoscopic surgery is performed under general anaesthesia, where the veins are cut off using an electric current or laser rays. This surgery has less risk of bleeding as compared to open surgical procedure.

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