Saturday 28 January 2023

What Is A Piles Doctor And How Can They Help You?

Have you ever heard of piles doctors? If not, it's time to get acquainted. Piles doctors, also known as proctologists or colorectal surgeons, are specialists who can diagnose and treat conditions affecting the rectum and anus. From hemorrhoids to anal fissures, these medical professionals have the training and experience to help you take control of your health. Let’s find out more about Piles Doctors in Dombivli   and how they can help you.


What Do Piles Doctors Do?

Piles doctors specialize in conditions that affect the rectum and anus. This includes conditions such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, anal abscesses, fistulas, polyps, rectal bleeding, fecal incontinence, rectal prolapse and other diseases that can affect this area of the body. These medical professionals will assess your condition through visual examination or digital rectal examination (DRE) before making a diagnosis and recommending a treatment plan.


When Should You See a Piles Doctor?

The most common reason people visit a piles doctor is for relief from painful symptoms associated with hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins located around the anus or inside the lower rectum that can cause itching, burning sensations, pain or bleeding when passing stools. A piles doctor may recommend lifestyle changes such as increasing fiber in your diet or drinking plenty of water to reduce symptoms. In some cases medication or surgery may be necessary.


Other reasons to see a piles doctor include if you experience any type of discomfort in your anus or rectum including itching, burning sensations or pain during bowel movements; if you notice any lumps around your anus (which could be an indication of hemorrhoids); if you experience any unexpected bleeding from your bottom; if there is an infection near your anus; if you experience any difficulty controlling bowel movements; if there is an abnormal discharge from your bottom; or if you notice any changes in shape or size of skin around your anus.



It's important to talk to a specialist like a Piles Doctors in Dombivli  should you have any concerns regarding conditions affecting the rectum and/or anus area of your body. Whether it's for symptom relief from painful hemorrhoids or other issues such as recurrent infections, these medical professionals have the knowledge and expertise necessary to evaluate your condition accurately and provide appropriate treatments based on their findings. Don't hesitate—make an appointment with a piles doctor today!


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