Friday 8 April 2022

Treats The Issues Of Piles In Kalyan!


As we all know that piles is the severe issue thus must be consulted on the right time. It is also important to find the female doctor for the women so that they can able to talk about their issues freely in front of them. Dr.Garje Piles Clinic has the best Lady Doctor For Fistula in Kalyan,Dr.JyotiGatgewho has years of experience in diagnosing and treating the issues of the people.

Types of Piles:

  • Internal hemorrhoids
  • External hemorrhoids


Some of the common symptoms:

  • Painful lumps 
  • Swelling near the anus
  • Discomfort or pain while sitting
  • Painful bowel movement
  • Bleeding after a bowel movement
  • Irritation or itching around/in the affected area
  • Redness and/or soreness around the anus


The Lady Doctor For Fistula in Kalyan has been diagnosing, managing, guiding, and treating the issues of the women for years and have got positive feedback which means we are the genuine ones in here. She diagnoses the issues from the depth and on the basis of tests, age, and medical conditions of the people, we provide the best kind of solutions.

The clinic has all the latest technology machines through which the right kind of tests is given to the doctor so that they can see the issue from the depth and can take the right kind of decisions and treat the people.

We also treat other issues as well, such as Fissure, Pilonidal sinus, Constipation, Acidity, Abdominal gases, Ayurvedic Diet, Proctitis, Ibs, Colitis, Anal abscess, Renal Stone. The clinic was established by two of our head doctors: Dr.SambhajiGarje (B.A.M.S., F.I.K.S. (Fellowship in Ano-Rectal Surgery)) and Dr.JyotiGatge(B.H.M.S for women patients - Fellowship in Anorectal diseases consulting proctologist).

The Top Clinic Of Piles aims to provide the relief to the patients through the treatments and services. we provide all of that at affordable prices so that more and more people can come out and get the right help as talking about piles is not a shame at all.









Saturday 26 March 2022

12 Don'ts For A Successful Piles Treatment


Piles or hemorrhoids are one of the issues that affect millions of people all over the world. Though it is usually not life-threatening, but piles can become very uncomfortable and make everyday activities difficult. Hemorrhoids can be either internal or external and the best way to get rid of them is by knowing how to treat piles at with help of Piles Doctor For Ladies in Kalyan.

Let's start off with the 12 things that you should not do to relieve yourself from piles:

1. Don't stand or sit for too long: It has been found that individuals who spend too much time standing or sitting are more likely to develop piles. Sitting for long hours puts pressure on the rectum and veins which in turn leads to piles. The same applies even if you stand up frequently during the day. Hence, try to change your position frequently during the day so that you can maintain an erect posture to decrease the pressure on your rectum.

2. Don't lift heavy weights: Piles can become very uncomfortable if you are lifting heavy objects during work or exercise. If you are suffering from piles, make sure that you do not to lift things at work or at home because it can aggravate your condition and may flare up hemorrhoids.

3. Don't sit in a tub full of water: Sitting in a hot bath can make your piles worse and lead to more discomfort while you are suffering from hemorrhoids. It is recommended that you avoid going for a shower or bath if you have been advised by the doctor to do so until your condition improves.

4. Don't use oils or oil-based products: It is not advisable to use oils or oil-based products on your skin when you are suffering from piles. As external hemorrhoids are present in the anal region, it is best that you avoid putting anything oily anywhere near this area to prevent any aggravation of your condition.

5. Don't ignore pain caused by piles: It is better that you contact a doctor as soon as you experience pain caused by your hemorrhoids. Ignoring the symptoms can lead to more discomfort and pain, which is why it is essential that you do not take any chances when it comes to a medical condition such as this one. If you have been diagnosed with hemorrhoids, always keep the phone number of your doctor handy in case you need further instructions on what to do next.

6. Don't strain yourself when having a bowel movement: Going for a bowel movement can be very uncomfortable if you are suffering from piles, which is why it should be avoided. The moment you experience pain while going for a bowel movement, stop immediately. You can also use a moistened tissue paper to wipe away the stool after you have gone to the bathroom and wait until it becomes soft, before going for another bowel movement.

7. Don't ignore warning signs of piles: It is important that you do not ignore any warning signs that your body may show with regards to your condition. If you have been diagnosed with piles, it is best that you constantly watch out for any signs and symptoms that your body exhibits to avoid any further complications.

8. Don't wear tight clothes: Wearing tight underwear or pants can put a lot of pressure on the lower abdomen which in turn may aggravate the pain caused by hemorrhoids. It is best that you change into loose clothes now and then to prevent any discomfort.

9. Don't drink alcohol: It is advisable that those who are suffering from piles should avoid drinking alcohol as it can further irritate the condition, leading to more pain. If you have been diagnosed with hemorrhoids, refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages until your condition has improved.

10. Don't go for heavy exercising: When you are suffering from piles, it is best to avoid any form of heavy exercise. Excessive physical activity can put excessive pressure on your abdominal area which can in turn cause severe discomfort and pain.

11. Don't neglect pain caused by piles: As stated earlier, ignoring the symptoms caused by piles can lead to more pain and discomfort. If you have been diagnosed with hemorrhoids, it is best that you contact a doctor immediately upon experiencing any sign or symptom to prevent the condition from aggravating.

12. Don't eat spicy food: Spicy foods contain a lot of spices which can further irritate your hemorrhoids and cause more discomfort. You should also avoid sour and acidic foods if you are suffering from piles since it can worsen the pain, inflammation and swelling in your anal region.


If you are suffering from haemorrhoids, it is best that you take the necessary precautions to prevent the condition from worsening and consult with Piles Doctor For Ladies in Kalyan. If your piles have not yet improved or healed after treatment, then see a doctor immediately since there might be an underlying disease that has yet to be identified. The above-mentioned tips can help reduce the pain caused by hemorrhoids and prevent it from getting worse. In order to reduce any further discomfort, make sure that you follow the proper guidelines and take all the necessary precautions when dealing with piles.



Friday 11 March 2022

Know More About Piles And How To Cure Such Issue!


As we all know that the body changes continuously due to hormones and many other factors. But at times the results can be problematic and require urgent professional help. One such is having the issues of piles which happens in the hole of anal; it is actually happens due to pressure on the veins and which requires more attention than needed. Dr.Garje Piles Centre here has the best Piles Doctors in Dombivli who diagnoses and treats the issues from the roots.

Types of Piles:

  • Internal hemorrhoids
  • External hemorrhoids

Some of the common symptoms:

  • Painful lumps 
  • Swelling near the anus
  • Discomfort or pain while sitting
  • Painful bowel movement
  • Bleeding after a bowel movement
  • Irritation and itching around the affected area
  • Redness and soreness around the anus

The clinic was started by the head Dr.SambhajiGarje B.A.M.S., F.I.K.S. (Fellowship in Ano-Rectal Surgery)) in 2004 and since then we have been making the clients relived and happy through our effective treatments and services.

Our Piles Doctors in Dombivli has years of experience in this domain and have been helping and guiding the people at affordable prices so that more and more people can come and get these treatments easily. They provide both the surgical as well non-surgical treatments as per the conditions, age, and medical tests of the people.

We have all the advanced technology machines in our clinic through which we can able to provide the accurate and high quality results so that the doctors can see the issues from the depth and then can able to deliver the right solutions.

The Top Clinic Of Piles follows all the rules of the medical authorities and do not do anything illegal while treating. We provide the complete guidance before and after the treatments so that people can take some precautions in the future.







Friday 25 February 2022

What Are The Common Fistula Treatment and Why Need To Seek Help From Doctor Immediately?

According to the Lady Doctor For Fistula in Kalyan and research today, Fistula is one of the most common diseases in Africa and Asia. It also happens to be a disgusting infection that has been around for centuries. In spite of its historical significance, not much is known regarding exactly what causes fistulas or how they are actually caused. The condition is more commonly seen in women than men. A fistula is a small tunnel that forms between the rectum and vagina, bladder or skin. This usually happens when an untreated case of diarrhea goes on for several years. The infectious disease can also form between other organs such as the intestine and urinary tract or uterus.

Typically, fistulas are caused by injury during child birth or due to some other disease that has caused severe diarrhea. The reason behind the formation of this hole is due to an abnormal connection provided by tissue planes between two body parts where normally there should not be any connections. Unfortunately, in most cases the patient is unaware of their condition until they begin to notice some symptoms. This can happen at anytime from a few years or decades.Indeed, this is one of the most embarrassing diseases that can happen to a woman and it cannot be easily detected by doctors as well. This is mainly because over time it has become more common in African countries such as Nigeria and Kenya where early medical treatment may not always be available. Most women who suffer from this condition never seek treatment until it is too late. However, with immediate treatment and proper medication, one can be able to avoid the condition from developing into a more serious form.


The most common symptoms that occur in cases of fistulas include leakage of mucus through the affected area as well as extreme pains experienced by the patient when they try to pass stool or urine. If the patient tries to touch the affected area or if they wipe it, then mucus is sure to come out after which the pain gets worse. This is one of the most common symptoms that can be easily detected by people who are aware of this problem.When left untreated for many years, some other forms of symptoms include formation of bad smell and abscess which is basically a collection of pus. Other than this, the patients tend to suffer from constant pain during bowel movements as well as intercourse.


There are different kinds of treatments available for women suffering from Fistula with one of them being surgery where you can go under anesthesia to have it removed. This procedure is usually long and tedious and it involves making an incision so as to help drain the pus. It also requires cutting away of tissues which are clearly abnormal until the problem is solved. However, this surgery does not cost much either and can be easily afforded by patients with little financial resources or poor people who live in rural areas where this problem has become very common.

In addition to surgery, there are also other medical treatment options that can be recommended by Lady Doctor For Fistula in Kalyan. These include the use of antibiotics as well as changing your diet. In most cases, women who have undergone this surgery usually report quick recovery with reduction experienced in pain and return of normal bowel movements.


Wednesday 16 February 2022

What You Need To Know About Piles

This is the most common question that arises in mind of a patient with piles. Piles can be cured with medicines, surgical operation or by using some other modern methods of treatment like laser treatment, etc. But the best way to treat it is to know its causes first and then start its treatment accordingly. So here we are discussing the best treatment for piles, which can cure it naturally without any side effects. Piles is nothing but swollen veins in anus or rectum. It occurs due to increased pressure of blood on affected veins during bowel movement. Piles are classified into four types based on their location according to the Piles Doctors in Dombivli.


Piles Doctors in Dombivli

·        Internal pile (Haemorrhoids / Perianal Haemorrhage) :Internal piles are the swollen veins inside the anus. They are further classified into four types based on their location in respect of anal orifice.

·        External pile (Thrombosed external pile) :The swollen veins which lie just outside the anus are called as external piles, causing pain and discomfort while passing stool.

·        Internal Piles (Non- prolapsed internal piles) :The swollen veins which lie within the folds of the rectal mucosa on either side of anus are called as non-prolapsed internal piles, contrary to its name they do protrude out during bowel movement due to increased pressure on them.

·        Fissure pile :Piles can also affect the lining of the anal canal. Piles at this location are known as fissure piles, causing bleeding during bowel movement or by passing hard stool.

Why do piles occur?

Piles can be caused due to various reasons. Some of them are mentioned below:

1. Heredity plays an important role in the development of this disease. If your parents suffered from piles, you will also suffer from it at some stage of life. So, if you know anyone in your family with piles, you also should keep a check on your health.

2. Piles can be caused by the pressure of hard stool on anus veins while passing bowel movements.

3. If you have been constipated for long time, it causes accumulation of hard stool inside the bowel which exerts pressure on rectal veins and causes piles.

4. Piles can also be caused due to the consumption of certain food items like cold drinks, etc.

5. Sitting or standing for a long time in one posture or way also cause piles.

6. Sometimes piles is developed after surgical operation of pelvic region for some other diseases, if proper care is not taken during recovery phase from wound healing.

7. Pregnancy also cause the formation of piles, especially in women having habitual abortions or vaginal deliveries.


8. Lifting heavy objects can cause pressure on veins inside anus and causes piles.

9. Sometimes diseases like ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease etc., increase pressure inside anal canal causing piles.


Treatment  forpiles


 Home remedies for Piles:Here are some home remedies that help in the treatment of piles naturally without causing any side effects.  We have mentioned both internal and external piles along with their advantages. You can choose anyone from them according to your condition, but it is highly recommended to take advice from an Piles Doctors in Dombivli before starting them.

Medical treatment  for Piles:If you are suffering from piles for a long time, it is better to take treatment under an expert. You can start taking medicines after consulting your doctor. There are various types of medicines available for the treatment of piles which include oral tablets, ointments, lotions etc., But these treatments have lots of side effects and are not safe. So it is better to follow the below mentioned treatments for piles which help in getting rid of it without causing any side effects.

Surgrery for Piles: Surgery is considered as the method of last resort to treat piles. Surgery for piles is known by different names like haemorrhoidectomy, hemorroidectomy etc., Depending upon the affected veins, surgery can be carried out through two ways : open surgery and laparoscopic surgery. In open Surgery , the swollen veins are removed through small incision, this surgery have high risk of bleeding. Laparoscopic surgery is performed under general anaesthesia, where the veins are cut off using an electric current or laser rays. This surgery has less risk of bleeding as compared to open surgical procedure.

Original Source Content -

Thursday 3 February 2022

Five Precious Tips To Help You Get Better With Piles

While piles are a common problem that affects many people, there are specific steps that can be taken to minimize the feeling of discomfort and to speed up the recovery time. Here are five tips for getting better at piles suggested by the best Piles Doctors in Kalyan, Mumbai:

best Piles Doctors in Kalyan, Mumbai

1) Improve Your Diet - This can play a major role in managing your symptoms. It is recommended to eat a diet rich in fibre and drink plenty of water. This will help with constipation, which can contribute to piles. In addition, add foods that contain vitamin C, such as oranges and vegetables. These can also be beneficial when it comes to treating this condition

2) Exercise Regularly - If you want to improve your symptoms without the use of medication, exercising regularly is another great way to help you with piles. By increasing your heart rate and blood circulation, it can help your body fight against constipation that often causes this condition

3) Quit Smoking - If you are a smoker, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to quit smoking. According to experts at, smoking can cause constipation because it reduces blood flow

4) Use Moisturizers - Applying moisturizing creams can help reduce the discomfort related to piles. Using products that are gentle on your anus, such as petroleum jelly or cocoa butter, are good options if you are looking for something to apply in that area

5) Take Medications - Taking pills is another option for people who are looking to treat their symptoms. Over the counter medications, such as laxatives and stool softeners, can be beneficial when you are looking to improve your symptoms of piles

When to See Piles Doctors

1) If you have had this problem for less than six weeks, it is recommended that you wait and see if your body heals on its own. This is especially true if the discomfort is not unbearable

2) If you have been suffering from piles for more than six weeks, but there are no other serious symptoms accompanying the condition, such as abdominal pain or rectal bleeding, you should wait it out. However, if your symptoms are serious, such as blood in the stool or a fever that will not go away, you should see a Piles Doctors in Kalyan, Mumbai right away

3) If your condition is accompanied by haemorrhoids that have been causing problems for more than six weeks and there are no other symptoms, you should also visit a doctor

4) If your condition is accompanied by haemorrhoids that have been causing problems for less than six weeks and there are no other symptoms, it is recommended that you wait and see if the body heals on its own

5) When to call a doctor immediately: if you experience any of the following:

·        Rectal bleeding - Sharp pain or discomfort in your lower abdomen

·        A fever that does not go away

·        Diarrheal for more than a few days

·        Abdominal cramps (constant)

·        Rectal itching (with or without discharge)

·        An urge to defecate that is uncontrollable. This is especially the case when you are in public places.

Original Source Content -

Wednesday 19 January 2022

Cure The Issues Of Piles From The Best Clinic Of Dombivli!


As we all know that piles is one of the most severe and problematic issues as it does not let the people sit and do the work peacefully and creates immense pain around the anal area and inside of it as well. Therefore, it is quite important to diagnose and treat such issues that too timely. Dr.Garje’s Piles Fistula Centre here has the best Piles Doctors in Dombivli who have been treating the issues of the people for years and have got only the positive results.

Types of Piles:

  • Internal hemorrhoids
  • External hemorrhoid      

Some of the common symptoms:

  • Painful lumps 
  • Swelling near the anus
  • Discomfort or pain while sitting
  • Painful bowel movement
  • Bleeding after a bowel movement
  • Irritation or itching around/in the affected area
  • Redness and/or soreness around the anus


Our team of Piles Doctors In Dombivli has been diagnosing, managing, and treating the issues of the people for years and have got many positive results which says a lot about their efficiency. They diagnose the issues deeply and on the basis of the tests, age, and other medical conditions if any, they recommend the suitable and effective solutions.

The clinic has all the advanced technology machines through which the people can able to get the accurate and high quality of tests. The doctors can able to see the issues from the close and then able to provide the right treatments.

Along with piles and fistula, we are also specialized in Fissure, Pilonidal sinus, Constipation, Acidity, Abdominal gases, Ayurvedic Diet, Proctitis, Ibs, Colitis, Anal abscess, Renal Stone. This clinic was established by our head Dr.SambhajiGarje (B.A.M.S., F.I.K.S. (Fellowship in Ano-Rectal Surgery)) and Dr.JyotiGatge(B.H.M.S for women patients and also did Fellowship in Anorectal diseases consulting proctologist)


The Best Clinic For Piles Treatment aims to make the lifestyle and issues of the people better and we do the best for that. we follow all the rules of the medical authorities which means we are the genuine ones in this domain.