Tuesday 31 January 2023

Why You Need A Piles Doctor


If you are dealing with the pain and discomfort associated with piles, you may be looking for an effective treatment option. One of the best ways to get relief is to visit a qualified piles doctor. A qualified specialist can provide you with the right diagnosis, treatment plan, and advice to help make your condition more manageable. Let’s take a closer look at some of the ways that a  Piles Doctors in Kalyan, Mumbai can help you find relief.

What Does a Piles Doctor Do?

A piles doctor is a specialist who can diagnose and treat hemorrhoids (piles) and other conditions of the colon, rectum, and anus. These specialists usually receive extra training in areas related to their specialty that general practitioners or family physicians do not have access to. They typically use advanced diagnostic tests such as endoscopy or colonoscopy to diagnose the underlying cause of your symptoms. They also use these tests to assess how serious your condition is and how it should be treated.

The Treatment Options Available from Piles Doctors

Once your piles doctor has diagnosed your condition, they will develop an individualized treatment plan for you based on several factors such as the severity of your symptoms, any underlying medical conditions, and what lifestyle changes you are willing to make. Depending on your situation, they may recommend one or more of the following treatments:

    Medication – Your piles doctor may prescribe medications such as pain relievers or stool softeners to help reduce inflammation and ease your discomfort.

    Lifestyle Changes – Eating fiber-rich foods, drinking plenty of water, getting regular exercise, maintaining good hygiene habits, avoiding straining during bowel movements, etc., can all help reduce symptoms associated with piles. Your doctor may also recommend lifestyle changes that are specific to you depending on your individual needs.

    Surgery – In some cases, surgery may be recommended if other treatments have been ineffective or if there is a risk of complications due to severe symptoms or an underlying medical condition. Surgery usually involves removing part or all of the affected area in order to relieve pressure on veins in the rectum or anus. It is important to note that not all cases require surgery; it will depend on your unique situation so it is best to discuss this option with your doctor before making any decisions.

    Other Treatments – Other treatments such as sclera therapy (injection therapy), infrared coagulation (heat therapy), rubber band ligation (banding) may be recommended depending on what type of relief would work best for you. Again it’s important to discuss all options with your doctor before making any decisions about which treatment route is best for you personally.



When it comes time for finding relief from painful and uncomfortable hemorrhoid symptoms it’s important that you seek out professional help from a qualified Piles Doctors in Kalyan, Mumbai who understands exactly how to treat this very common condition safely and effectively . By working closely with an experienced professional who specializes in treating this particular issue you can ensure that you get personalized care tailored specifically for your needs that will help give you long lasting relief from even the most stubborn pile flare ups!  So don’t wait any longer if left untreated hemorrhoid issues can become more difficult over time so contact us today at Dr Garjes piles fistula center ,near st.Thomas school,opp K.D.M.C. commissioner bunglow thangewadi kalyan(w), +91 9869632064, +91 9890983338, sambhajigarje@gmail.com, drjyotigarje@gmail.com to schedule an appointment with one of our board certified experts so we can get started helping improve your quality life!

Saturday 28 January 2023

What Is A Piles Doctor And How Can They Help You?

Have you ever heard of piles doctors? If not, it's time to get acquainted. Piles doctors, also known as proctologists or colorectal surgeons, are specialists who can diagnose and treat conditions affecting the rectum and anus. From hemorrhoids to anal fissures, these medical professionals have the training and experience to help you take control of your health. Let’s find out more about Piles Doctors in Dombivli   and how they can help you.


What Do Piles Doctors Do?

Piles doctors specialize in conditions that affect the rectum and anus. This includes conditions such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, anal abscesses, fistulas, polyps, rectal bleeding, fecal incontinence, rectal prolapse and other diseases that can affect this area of the body. These medical professionals will assess your condition through visual examination or digital rectal examination (DRE) before making a diagnosis and recommending a treatment plan.


When Should You See a Piles Doctor?

The most common reason people visit a piles doctor is for relief from painful symptoms associated with hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins located around the anus or inside the lower rectum that can cause itching, burning sensations, pain or bleeding when passing stools. A piles doctor may recommend lifestyle changes such as increasing fiber in your diet or drinking plenty of water to reduce symptoms. In some cases medication or surgery may be necessary.


Other reasons to see a piles doctor include if you experience any type of discomfort in your anus or rectum including itching, burning sensations or pain during bowel movements; if you notice any lumps around your anus (which could be an indication of hemorrhoids); if you experience any unexpected bleeding from your bottom; if there is an infection near your anus; if you experience any difficulty controlling bowel movements; if there is an abnormal discharge from your bottom; or if you notice any changes in shape or size of skin around your anus.



It's important to talk to a specialist like a Piles Doctors in Dombivli  should you have any concerns regarding conditions affecting the rectum and/or anus area of your body. Whether it's for symptom relief from painful hemorrhoids or other issues such as recurrent infections, these medical professionals have the knowledge and expertise necessary to evaluate your condition accurately and provide appropriate treatments based on their findings. Don't hesitate—make an appointment with a piles doctor today!


Wednesday 18 January 2023

What Is A Piles Doctor And When Should You See One?


Hemorrhoids, or piles as they are more commonly known, can be an incredibly uncomfortable experience. If you’ve been suffering from piles, then it’s important to understand what a Piles Doctors in Kalyan, Mumbai does and when you should seek one out for treatment. Here we’ll explain just that so you can make informed decisions about your health and wellbeing.


What is a Piles Doctor?

A Piles Doctor is a medical professional who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhoids. In addition to diagnosing piles, they may also perform physical examinations and suggest treatments based on their findings. The primary goal of a Piles Doctor is to reduce pain associated with hemorrhoids while providing relief from the symptoms of the condition.

When Should I See A Piles Doctor?

It’s important to seek out medical advice if you are experiencing any kind of discomfort related to your piles. Even if the symptoms seem mild at first, it’s still important to get checked out by a medical professional to ensure there are no further complications or underlying conditions that need attention. It’s also important to have regular check-ups with your doctor even if your symptoms have subsided as this could help stop any potential issues from occurring in the future.

Treatment Options Available From Your Piles Doctor

Your Piles Doctor will discuss several different treatment options with you depending on your individual needs and lifestyle. These options range from topical creams and ointments that can be applied directly onto the affected area, such as steroid creams, to more invasive procedures such as laser surgery which can help remove hemorrhoidal tissue completely. They may also suggest lifestyle changes such as increasing fiber intake or exercising regularly in order to reduce pressure on the area which may help alleviate some of the discomfort associated with piles.



It’s vital for anyone suffering from piles to get seen by a qualified medical professional, such as a Piles Doctors in Kalyan, Mumbai, in order to accurately diagnose and treat their condition correctly. A qualified medical professional will be able to assess your individual needs and recommend treatments accordingly while providing relief from any discomfort caused by piles. If you think you may have piles then don’t hesitate make an appointment with your doctor today!

Tuesday 17 January 2023

Everything You Need To Know About Finding The Right Fistula Doctor

When it comes to finding a fistula doctor, the decision can be daunting. There are many factors you need to consider before making your choice. From experience and expertise to accessibility, there is much that goes into choosing the right physician for your needs. Here’s what you need to know about finding the right Fistula Doctor in Kalyan West Mumbai for you.


Experience and Expertise

When looking for a fistula doctor, experience and expertise are key. You want someone who has treated a variety of cases successfully and has a solid understanding of the disease and its various treatments. A good way to determine if a doctor has sufficient experience is by asking them how long they have been practicing in this field. Additionally, research their credentials online or ask friends or family members who have had similar experiences with doctors in this specialty field.


Another important factor when looking for a fistula doctor is cost. While cost should not be the only deciding factor when selecting a physician, it’s important to know what you will pay in advance so that you don’t run into any surprises down the line. Inquire about payment plans as well as insurance coverage if applicable before committing to any particular provider. This will help you better understand any potential financial obligations associated with treatment and make an informed decision accordingly.


Finally, accessibility is an important factor when selecting a fistula doctor because treatments can take multiple visits over time. Therefore, it’s important that your provider is conveniently located near you or accessible through telemedicine platforms if needed - depending on your geographic location and medical condition(s). Additionally, inquire about availability of appointments during regular business hours as well as after-hours if necessary due to work or other commitments outside of office hours. 



Choosing the right Fistula Doctor in Kalyan West Mumbai requires research and careful consideration of various factors such as experience and expertise, costs associated with treatment, and accessibility among others. It’s important to do your homework beforehand so that you can make an informed decision when it comes time to seek care from a qualified professional in this field of medicine. With these tips in mind, you will be well equipped to find the best possible physician for your needs!

Monday 9 January 2023

Treats Piles from the Best Doctors of Dombivali!

Heaps go under perhaps of the most extreme issue one can faces actually. It makes an enormous aggravation that individuals don't even ready to sit and walk appropriately. Such issue must be dealt with opportune by the accomplished specialists. Along these lines, Dr.Garje'sPiles Fistula Center is the best Piles Fistula Centre in Dombivali  with the accomplished specialists and compelling medicines we offer that too at reasonable costs is difficult to track down elsewhere.

Sorts of Heaps:

·         Interior hemorrhoids

·         Outside hemorrhoids

A portion of the normal side effects:

·         Difficult protuberances

·         Expanding close to the butt

·         Distress or agony while sitting

·         Difficult defecation    

·         Draining after a solid discharge

·         Aggravation or tingling around/in the impacted region

·         Redness and additionally irritation around the rear-end


The Piles Fistula Centre in Dombivali  has a group of profoundly experienced specialists who follow every one of the techniques to direct the powerful medicines to individuals. First and foremost, they analyze the issues and based on the reports, age, and clinical history of individuals, they prescribe the right medicines to individuals.

The facility is completely furnished with the most recent innovation machines through which we can ready to convey the best judgments along with medicines to individuals. We manage these issues too:

·         Crevice

·         Pilonidal sinus

·         Obstruction

·         Sharpness

·         Stomach gases

·         Ayurvedic Diet           

·         Proctitis          

·         Ibs

·         Colitis

·         Butt-centric boil

·         Renal Stone.

This center was laid out by the head Dr.SambhajiGarje (B.A.M.S., F.I.K.S. (Partnership in Ano-Rectal Medical procedure)) and Dr.JyotiGatge(B.H.M.S for ladies patients and furthermore did Association in Anorectal sicknesses counseling proctologist) and from that point forward we have been acing in conveying the best therapies and different administrations to individuals so they can ready to help alleviation through the issues connected with heaps.

The Piles Fistula Centre in Dombivali  intends to make the existence of individuals better by relieving the difficult issues like heaps. We adhere to every one of the rules of the clinical power and consistently give the medicines at reasonable costs.


Tuesday 27 December 2022

Your Guide To Piles Doctors And Treatments


Hemorrhoids, commonly referred to as piles, are small swellings that form in the lower rectum and anus. While often painful and uncomfortable, these swollen veins are actually very common and can generally be treated effectively with a range of different treatments. For those looking for relief from their piles symptoms, it is important to understand the types of doctors that specialize in treating hemorrhoids as well as the available treatment options.

Who Are Piles Doctors?

Piles Doctors in Dombivli are medical professionals who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhoids. These specialists can include general practitioners, proctologists, gastroenterologists, colorectal surgeons or any other type of doctor with experience in treating this condition. It is important to note that all of these specialists can diagnose and treat your symptoms; however, depending on the severity of your condition you may need to see one specialist over another.

What Are Some Common Treatment Options?

There are a variety of different treatment options available for those suffering from piles. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, your doctor may recommend lifestyle changes such as exercising more regularly or making dietary changes such as increasing fiber intake or avoiding certain foods that may aggravate your condition. Other common treatments include topical ointments or creams which can reduce swelling and discomfort as well as more invasive surgical procedures such laser therapy or banding which can shrink enlarged veins.

It is always best to discuss all available treatment options with your doctor before deciding on a course of action. This will ensure that you get the best possible outcome based on your individual needs and circumstances. 

 The most important thing to remember when dealing with piles is to seek professional help from a qualified Piles Doctors in Dombivli if you suspect you may have them or if you find yourself experiencing any kind of discomfort or pain in the area surrounding your rectum and anus. A qualified piles doctor will be able to assess the severity of your condition and provide advice on how best to treat it so that you can find relief from your symptoms quickly and effectively. Don’t hesitate get informed about your condition today!

Tuesday 6 December 2022

Treat Piles From The Highly Experienced Doctor Of Dombivli!


Stacks go under perhaps of the most troublesome issue one can faces truly. It makes a huge bothering that individuals don't briefly even ready to sit and walk appropriately. Such issue ought to be overseen useful by the developed well-informed authorities. Hence, Dr.Garje Piles Fistura Centre has the best Piles Doctors in Dombivli with the refined educated authorities and persuading drugs we offer that too at reasonable costs is elusive elsewhere.

Kinds of Heaps:

·        Inward hemorrhoids

·        Outer hemorrhoids 

A piece of the common coincidental impacts:

·        Anguishing thumps

·        Reaching out close to the rear

·        Inconvenience or misery while sitting

·        Inconvenient poop

·        Exhausting after serious areas of strength for a

·        Disturbance or shuddering around/in the impacted area

·        Redness and besides irritation around the rear

The group of fundamentally experienced Piles Doctors in Dombivli who follow each of the systems to direct the compelling treatments to individuals. They, regardless of anything else, analyze the issues and considering the reports, age, and clinical history of individuals, they support the right meds to individuals.

The workplace is completely furnished with the most recent advancement machines through which we can ready to give the best ends close by prescriptions to individuals. We manage these issues additionally:

·        Opening

·        Pilonidal sinus

·        Blockage 

·        Danger    

·        Stomach gases

·        Ayurvedic Diet

·        Proctitis

·        Ibs

·        Colitis

·        Butt-driven bubble

·        Renal Stone.

We are a lot of famous in this space as we keep on giving successful and recipient medicines and after care to the patients that too at such costs that can be reasonable to everybody.

The Piles Doctors in Dombivli plans to work on the presence of individuals by facilitating the problematic issues like heaps. We agree with every one of the rules of the clinical power and dependably give the remedies at reasonable costs.